2022 Awardees

  • Trailblazer: Rudhir Krishtel

    Awarded in recognition for his groundbreaking work advancing diverse attorneys in the legal profession, encouraging difficult conversations within law firms and corporations, and serving as an impetus for social change.

  • Judge of the Year: Hon. Lucy Koh

    Awarded to Judge Lucy Koh, the first Korean American woman to serve on a federal appellate court in the United States. Judge Koh has a blazed a fearless path, and she is an inspiration to many Asian American lawyers and judges.

  • Bar Leader of the Year: Mari Bandoma Callado

    Awarded in recognition of her efforts to diversity the profession and advance the cause of justice. Ms. Callado has served as an inspirational bar leader for a decade, developing pro bono initiatives for underserved communities, advancing diversity programs, and elevating local, state, and national bar organizations with her leadership.

  • Bar Association of the Year: Asian Pacific American Women Lawyers Alliance

    Awarded in recognition for its efforts to empower and advance APA women lawyers and judges, for creating a community of members throughout California, and for its development of a pipeline of outstanding leaders in the profession.

  • Community Champion: Ed Lew

    Awarded in recognition of Mr. Lew's work serving the APA community for well over a decade. He has contributed thousands of volunteer hours mentoring students, planning galas, organizing toy drives, and bringing the APA community together. We appreciate the love Mr. Lew shares with the community.